past productions

In summer 2021 CTC produced a sequel to our 2019 play 'MYTH'. 'MYTH II: Heroes and Halfwits' was developed with young people and professional artists and toured parks, market places and housing estates.
In summer 2021 we adapted the wonderful children's book Pete Stays Home, by Karra McFarlane and Kim Hankinson into an interactive musical.

A youth ensemble of local young people aged 14+ performed alongside professional actor/musicians in this coming-of-age comedy drama that explores the highs and lows of teenage life. Set in Northampton in 2006 and featuring original indie rock music inspired by the era, the play dramatises the tension between friendship and artistic integrity, and the joys of creating music with the world at your feet.
An interactive Dungeons and Dragons style game theatre experience which toured in 2022. Join Sam and Zoe as they embark on an epic theatrical quest! Our hapless heroes may battle ogres, solve Tolkienesque riddles and rescue orphan princes- but can they slay their own demons in the process?